Joey Lee

No, but I've only met one other person who has heard of them in real life, which was an acquaintance in college.

I also loved this bland hit when I was the same age: Leaving Town by Dexter Freebish. I'm pretty sure those guys never had another hit.

I owned Wheatus' CD in middle school.

I'm glad someone brought up Just a Friend because I was going to.

What I really adored about Season 1 was the theme song and accompanying visuals.

Oh I disagree. Lorraine Trousseau was fantastic. Vee was such a predator and her manipulative moves had a queasy historic relevance to them (by which I mean segregating her girls and having the black women work janitorial so they could secretly deal tobacco).

Vee was the best villain. And it was good she only lasted one season. It was a fantastic season.

It was awful seeing Suzanne forced into that white makeup. I don't know that the show treated it with the seriousness that action warrants.

I'm always distracted by how much Daya and Aleida do not look related. The actress who played young Daya was so spot-on, I'm not surprised it's the actress' real life daughter.

And that's why Aleida got out of Litchfield.

I'm watching this season at the same time as American Gods and Season 2 of The Wire. It's a lot of Pablo Schreiber, made more bizarre by OITNB's emphasis on flashbacks. When I watch The Wire and see Baby Pablo Schreiber for a moment I think I'm watching his OITNB flashback.

So I'm a white girl with a soulful, deep singing voice who loves singing And I Am Telling You (I'm Not Going). I feel bad now. It's a fantastic song. I'd never dream of playing that role in a production.

I don't remember any religion in Janae's storyline, but she had a promising track career and drive before she was arrested for robbery because of a guy.

No, not for pictures. This was in the early 90's. (I'm old, too.) But teachers would tell you to hold or fold up a piece of paper horizontally or vertically by saying hot dog for horizontal or landscape and hamburger for vertical or portrait.

Did anyone else learn portrait/landscape as holding things hamburger/hot dog in elementary school?

I winced when I read that.

As a Bay Area native, I don't think we can automatically consider Silicon Valley the same as San Francisco in terms of gay acceptance. The Silicon Valley area is much less diverse than the rest of the Bay Area due to the homogeneous tech industry and isn't necessarily as gay friendly as a result. It's certainly less

What about Lillies in the Field? Sidney Portier helps nuns build a church.

Guess what? Rapists don't always look and act as you think they would. That was part of the point with the OJ spoof. The reverend did the crime, but he's charismatic and handsome so he had the jury eating out of his hand. That's often the case with rapists.

It would be absurdly unrealistic to assume the abusive abductor of teenage girls was not sexually abusing them as well as holding them captive. To act otherwise would stick out as inauthentic, not to mention a missed opportunity to include some insight into a very real part of what that experience would have likely