
Because there is such an interest in women’s soccer. Am I right? Is that why they should be paid fairly?

Get your point tangentially but what you (and many others) seem to miss is that the actual percentage of Native Americans who get offended by stuff like this is very small. 90% of those polled had no problem with the name Washington Redskins (a higher percentage than whites btw) so I’m gonna go out on a limb here and

To me it sounds like it’s telling everyone to stay in their lane.

Seriously it’s like these people don’t understand cultural mixing and the value of such. Instead they call it “appropriation” which if played out to its logical conclusion would mean that other cultures would never become a part of ours. It would actually lead to the continued dominance of the traditional American

Reminds me of kimono appreciation outrage at the Boston museum. SJWs were vehemently opposed to it but when actual Japanese said they actually liked it everyone was confused.

But you don’t actually know that this is offensive to them. In fact most evidence says it wouldn’t be. The vast majority of Native Americans polled had no problem with the Washington Redskins keeping their name (a higher percentage than white btw) and the Florida Seminole tribe had to tell SJW’s who thought they were

Because it is OK, and should be, because it doesn’t change history. If 1%of people are offended by this, that 1% should shoot themselves for being miserable insufferable pricks