
Agreed. This is largely a non-story. They WILL get her, and on the back of WW’s success she gets to demand a higher pay check as a result and the DCEU will be able to get another movie as successful as WW was into their sched. She’s what James Gunn is to the MCU. The wild card who paid off in SPADES.

That’s a shit take

Doesn’t mean anything? Surely you jest. It means:

If they win last year, they almost assuredly don’t sign Durant. So Cleveland’s 3-1 comeback probably doomed the league for the next 5 years.

Yes, no one EVER talks about Jordan’s defense. You are so right. He is definitely the most underappreciated athlete ever.

The worst part is I did actually read the article. Mondays are rough.

In championship-level combat sports, as with generations of inbred European royalty, there’s never really an interregnum.

Speaking of UFC, Mighty Mouse released a helluva statement today regarding his feelings about Dana and the UFC. Worth a read over at mmafighting.

I’m not sure that anyone else in that division can beat Aldo. Holloway justhas the necessary tools: ridiculous stamina, iron chin, and a long enough reach to trade without taking too much damage.

Yeah, but you don’t get to use the Billionaire’s Son Multiplier of 0.3 to adjust your times.

No, it’s cool. I was actually wanting to cry along with a grown man this morning. Thanks.

Some of these are spot on, but others are very reductive to the point of misrepresentation. People like Joss Wheedon, Shane Black, Jon Favreau and others who have extensive credits beyond directing movies that played a big part into their assignments and some of them had very big hits (just not their previous movie).

I ride for K19. Fight me!

Matthew Vaughn directed Layer Cake (after producing the first few Guy Ritchie movies) then had a $70M budget on Stardust which returned $135M worldwide. Then went to Kick-Ass and X-Men.

The issue is that limiting it to purely feature experience is a bad way of approaching the argument.

You obviously didn’t see Better Luck Tomorrow ($250k budget/$4M box office) which was amazing.

And let’s not forget, The Russo Brothers, Jon Favreau, Robert Stromberg, Matt Reeves, Shane Black, Alan Taylor, Rupert Sanders, Matthew Vaughn, Joseph Kosinski, Gavin Hood... all made by women(!).

Some of these are a little misleading. You dropped Zathura out of Favreau’s list, which was roughly double the budget for Elf, and Iron Man was roughly double the budget for Zathura. Pretty logical progression.

That time he sent Brad Lidge to hell.

Don’t even think about making that comment. Don’t.