SAnd yes a terrorist piece of shit killed Diesel. That dog was more worthy of living then any of those shitbags.
SAnd yes a terrorist piece of shit killed Diesel. That dog was more worthy of living then any of those shitbags.
You have no idea how close handlers and their K9 are to each other...the guy is probably gutted.
Plenty of French lads in the Legion, they used to have to just say they were Swiss/Belgian/Canadian
Anyone notice it was Leia’s theme that played in the trailer.
Oh sweet glorious Clutch!..Thumbs up Gearheads!!
Yeah Syria was so nice Assad’s dad massacred 30000+ people back in the 80’ one city.
There have been very extensive and elaborate trench systems used in the Ukraine recently.
Not to be that guy, but if they like each other and no one is getting hurt, who cares after that.
Skall and Kara have been doing HEMA since they were teenagers..I think they might have a clue about whats practical or not.
Fantastic, now give me a European team like Feisar and I'm 100% happy.
YES!!, I fucking love this game.
The Last of us version looks like one of those tasteless headstones you see in graveyards sometimes.
Well played lad....well played.
The spidey gloves exist, in a book by a former Delta force dude he talks about them testing prototype "Gecko gloves" to climb walls "like spiderman"
There was a lot more to WWI then just the trenches, there were battles in the Alp's on glaciers, North Africa, Central Africa, ME, the war in the East was a lot less trenchy...
No Michael Ironside....ooh feels wrong.
Look's like a shithole....nice art though.
Kurzweil and Prisco all in one mind is...whats the word....blown?