
Shush...You'll make all the TH/H+ types unhappy..

Dolphin boy sounds like an awesome superhero....

The Tamil Tigers invented and perfected the suicide belt and they were secular nationalists.

We'll probably count ourselves lucky(ish) if the next major stike is "only" of 9/11 proportions.

There have been plenty of "secular" terrorist groups, RAF, ETA,FARC, NSU in Germany in 2011...etc.

I know your kidding Cletus, but that would be a bit of a mindblower if they found something like that.

Fair enough :)

His tank designs are odd and impractical...half of them have obvous HEAT traps.

Good stuff.

No, the corrective lenses provide no boost to abilities in competition of a regular human....some people have 20/20 vision some 20/10.

Don't get me wrong I am an optimist for the future....but alot of this is not optimism (hope) it's utopian(something absolutely fantastic will come along and sort all our problems out..

Can I ask by "nanotech" do you mean in an Eric Drexler style of tiny robots or something else?

You're probably not too far wrong.

I think Pistorius was about the limit of what the "regular" Olympics will allow.

If people want a transhumanist game sthey can, but the actual olympics should be people competing at their natural height of capability.

Raising the dead doesn't seem in anyway fantastical to you?

TH/extropian/S types are always saying it's not faith .....but then they do seem to have the trappings of religious fanatics on occasion so hypocrisy would fit the profile I guess.

The "decent chance" of course is dependent on technology little different from magic....

Eveything dies whether us or eventually the universe can pretend immortality exists if it makes you feel better.

You'd want to be very sure and accurate in your repair of the brain... elss then 1% damage is the difference between being up and about versus somone changing your nappy while you sit in a chair with restraints.