
Wow, she is some kind of stupid. Was she trying to be edgy and funny?....because it didn't work.

"But he would take me to Irish bars, especially to ridicule me in front of the Irish clientele"

Glad to have more Barristan the Bold this season.....bit of a dearth of good badass people round.

Ah shit!...I loved Demonoid.

I wouldn't mind a coulple of extra decades of very good health and mobility ect with the ability to do what I want, travel, sports, adventures, whatever.

So both Charlie Jane and Annalee say this is bollocks...great another great franchise killed off by shoddyness.

I blame the Simpsons and the first person twitter feed for making me imagine Curiosity was humming during entry like the astronauts in that episode where Homer goes up on the shuttle and almost causes a disaster.

It would still be going onwards and upwards well into the first decade of the 21st century...if not beyond it.

"A hologram avatar" with your conciouness?....that sounds like hell being some insubstaianl thing...

Agreed 100%. I don't know why people treat him as some sage all knowing wizard of the 21st century. He was dead wrong about the tech bubble for one.

"Damon Lindelof might not be available. "

Yes, raping kids is bad"

RDJ certainly knows how to make an entrance...

Is the shw getting a product placement deal from Gerber knives or something?

I see lot's of our cousins on the continent are bllshit artists.

Let's be honest, this is Starz so the show will be 90% fucking, the discussing of fucking or just random shots of tits, if we're lucky there will be 10% actual killing of aliens.

Ok I'm European and I have seen this Tyler Perry guy mentioned a lot but I have no fucking clue what he does....

Thats where it's set...really.

We've collectivly taken to exercise to deal with stress seems to work well for us.

The thing is, my family have always been good to each other, the usual arguments but we don't lose it with each other...