
What were you expecting him to say?

Actual men suck too of course but you really should mention that the study was done on 15 year old boys.

The constant ripping of male candidates for the unpardonable sin of refusing to drop out of the race definitely won’t backfire and irritate some of the men whose votes you need for Harris or Warren to get the nomination.

Probably just gonna keep my cable package. They have Friends reruns on all the time. 

How about fewer teams?

I think you said it right at the end - they need more from Kuznetsov. Ovi is the best player on the team, but even he has his limits. The Kuzy line just can’t play the way it did last night.

And a mild criticism doesn’t really equal a strong opinion...? What do you want? I told you I don’t have a lot of strong opinions on her. On the second statement out of god knows how many back and forth’s today I said she was bullshitting you with policies that have no chance. That’s true, and ultimately not that big

I’d say that’s a pretty mild criticism my man. 

Where in this thread do I reveal any strong opinions about Warren? I think the only thing I’ve said about her is that I’ll enthusiastically vote for her if she’s the nominee. I really don’t think that will happen, but the election is a long way off.

My opinion is it’s fucking early, I don’t know enough yet to have super strong opinions about anyone, and Warren supporters are super fucking annoying about programs that won’t go anywhere. Which probably isn’t going to convince me to vote for her.

I see you’ve shifted my opinion from “I’m most interested in Klobuchar, Harris, Booker, and Buttigieg” to whatever you’re saying up there. But you’re right, Warren supporters aren’t at all hostile. This is a great strategy! I’ll definitely vote for her now. Warren or bust.

She very clearly is not going to get as much consideration as Warren whether I want her to or not, which is unfortunate, because the primaries are a year away and I’d like to know more about her before I decide. Instead people are picking winners and throwing stones way too early. But again, nobody deserves anything.

I don’t know man. I don’t have time to keep going back and forth. She’s not going to win. And even if she does none of her shit is happening. So I’m getting a little tired of reading that I’m an asshole for considering other candidates.

I think Klobuchar could get some expansion of grants and better terms for refinancing loans done. Sweeping changes to student debt? It’s not happening. But isn’t this the bubble? If you didn’t go to college, you don’t care about this at all. In fact, you probably really resent the idea of using finite tax dollars to

Because presumably many of them will make foreign policy decisions and appointments that are in line with my values. Which they’ll have the ability to do as president, unlike getting student loan forgiveness passed. I also disagree with student loan relief being an obvious good thing. Klobuchar doesn’t support it, she

I think you’re missing my point. Neither of them are being held up as the way and the truth over their policy proposals like Warren is. I don’t think any of this policy nuance matters right now and I’m tired of watching her glorified over it. That’s it.

It’s annoying to me that there’s constant whining that Warren isn’t getting her due even though she’s received a ton of coverage, the vast majority of it favorable. And the response is generally to tear down some other option, throw stones at anyone remotely moderate, get mad that white men would dare to run, etc. etc.

Because if none of what anyone proposes has a chance to pass, this is annoying:

This part would need Congress. She’s not going to just blow up the deficit and not pay for it.

I have no idea. The primary in my state is 372 days away. I’m most interested in Klobuchar, Harris, Booker, and Buttigieg. I just know I’m not interested in policy nuances of shit that has no chance to pass.