equality! *falls asleep*
equality! *falls asleep*
A game is only as boring as the person playing it.
If this game doesn’t deliver we riot..... It sounds sooooo cool.
I get the anger, but I don’t share it. I don’t care about “emotes” or shaders enough to want to pay any more real money to get new ones.
You obviously take your own advice and take it upon yourself to set up the plans yourself via text with a guy, right? You don’t just move on from prospect to prospect until somebody does what you feel entitled to?
I was referring to women in child custody cases, of which I have a lot of personal experience with. As for domestic violence, if you think cops respond to reported acts of domestic violence on women with “hey pal, just chill out”, you’re spending too much time on sites like Jezebel.
Wait... do you not like men?
Speak for yourself. Unless you’re not a man who has been harassed by women, in which case, don’t speak at all.
Are you a man? Have you ever had a penis? If not, you may not be qualified on the subject. IF yes, then I am confused to how your have never had a no-reason-boner or NRB.
Seriously. If people can’t deal with boners, then they shouldn’t be part of a naked bike race. Unless he was seriously staring people down and stroking himself, it’s just another body part.
Or I could just keep not playing the game. I think I’ll go with that option.
Yes. More games with lackluster social aspects need to further fragment their playerbase.
is he supposed to get a pass just because hes gay?
Too close to home, huh? Oh well, can’t please everyone.
No, even though I recognize the feminist movement is strong on the internet, replacing the main character of a nearly 20 year old franchise for no other reason than to “represent” Would not be a good idea. Or even a sort of bad idea.
Is Gordon Freeman too much of a masculine cis-oppression figure for this new touchy feely age of SJW self-fellatio?
Can I play as a fat black man? Can we start a ridiculous internet flame war if I can’t? I really think fat black men are underrepresented in video games, we need to show the fat black youth of today that we’re catering to that audience and that games are safe inclusive spaces (for fat black men).
Like racism, there’s no such thing as “reverse sexism.”
I get a distinct feeling Ubisoft is about to learn when you throw people rope, more often than not they try to hang you with it.