Why do you say its too expensive and then suggest people get tested for everything which is the very yhing making healthcare expensive?
Why do you say its too expensive and then suggest people get tested for everything which is the very yhing making healthcare expensive?
I think you’ve completely missed the point, but I think you’ve done it on purpose. The real majority of the outrage is over how she discusses altering her procedures specifically relating to how she goes about crushing the late-term fetuses in order to facilitate a “demand.”
Totally agree, I just thought you were saying that very few people use it. My mistake.
Let’s see, on one hand you have the wholesale slaughter of innocent children, and on the other you have poor education standards. Which seems more pressing? Hmmmm.
You know that statistically people who are less educated are MORE likely to get abortions, right? You know that abortion has an inverse direct relationship with education levels, right?
But not alleged murderers?
You know how many right-wing and conservative people have teenage pregnancies? Statistically less than liberal people, actually. And you know how many of those people get abortions? Statistically a significantly smaller portion than liberals. (Cahn, Naomi and June Carbone. 2010 Red Families vs. Blue Families. Oxford…
Of course it does... A terribly sad, pathetic, self-absorbed, selfish, immature little creep of a woman.
Because crushing, poisoning, or otherwise murdering babies is somehow a trivial issue?
It’s ACTUALLY ironic that you think you’re being funny when you’re actually stating your true beliefs. You don’t even realize that you actually believe that. It’s hysterical how deluded you are.
What’s the difference if you use it for cereal or medical advancement? Either it’s ethically wrong, and therefore should be banned, or it’s not ethically wrong, and should therefore be as easy to discuss or promote as buying gmo-free, locally sourced bread.
You know more people play as sunsinger than as voidwalker, right? Both helmets you mentioned are only for voidwalker.
So, if we don’t want to see women’s breasts mounding under their shirts we should encourage them to wear a couple sports bras?
Doing what your parents tell you to do is part of life. Grow up.
You do know that women abuse children twice as often as men (according to little organizations called the CDC and the FBI, anyway) and that family court sides with women in over 90% of cases regardless of who is at fault for the strained situation?
1) The safety of the mother isn’t in question. Not even a little bit. A kid can be coached (and they have been in many cases) to say anything.
Nevermind all the men who deal with a greater percentage of abuse from women (according to every US government agency) who just put up with it because family courts side with women in over 90% of cases, and the dads know they have such a slim chance.
Guilty until proven innocent, eh? I’m sure he’s super concerned with your shitbird opinion of him—oh, great arbiter of justice that you are.
It’s called discipline. Historically, it’s worked out for most well-adjusted adults.
So he’s damned either way in your opinion. Your logic doesn’t leave him any route to exercise his legal responsibility for his children. You do see that, don’t you?