Everyone is already outraged about that. Literally everyone.
Everyone is already outraged about that. Literally everyone.
So...they couldn't possibly have a legitimate critique of the light sentence for her? And how there's a pattern of women getting off light for hurting men? That wouldn't be a legitimate critique they could have?
I feel pretty certain that every article like this with the genders reversed would spend a paragraph or two vilifying the character of the man who perpetrated the crime, and then another paragraph painting their behavior as part of a cancerous social structure. But Shrayber is so self-loathing that he buys wholly into…
When you live in a country that slaughters millions of children every year before they take their first breath, you're already done for.
Nevermind that the vaccine only covers strains of HPV that about 7% of people with HPV have. Nevermind that the vaccine has one of the highest incidences of complications. Nevermind that a couple hundred girls have died from blood clots directly caused by it.
how is it patriarchy when the only person with any agency is a woman, and her behavior is a phenomenon that began after feminism and the women's rights movements? Explain how a mentally I'll 14 year old is putting on machismo by doing what his teacher told him to?
I'll go ahead and put out there that women refer to men as "dudes" waaaaaaaay more often than guys do. It's informality/flippancy aside, it has an implication of somehow being "less than" men who are called simply "men." So stop using it on this site, please.
Aren't the commenters and writers on this site always saying that two problems are not mutually exclusive? When men bring up things like funding research for prostate cancer—which causes more deaths than breast cancer and affects more men than women who are affected by breast cancer—aren't you all always saying that…
The premise of the article is flawed. It doesn't provide for the idea that men are not LYING about liking it because the REASON they like it is the "tough guy" status it confers on them. You can like something for very different reasons than other people. It doesn't make you a LYER (one of the worst things you can…
His actions and hers do not have a moral connection. You are blaming the victim of a sex crime for the actions of someone else.
What I want to know is: who is legally responsible for the child? In the litigious day and age we live in—with family courts doing a terrible job for everyone involved—how is adding to that complexity so that someone can fulfill their personal wish to gestate worth the risks and problems?
The "anti-freckle" technology you're all railing against is just replicating a simple diffusion lens on a camera. It's meant to remove all blemishes. It cannot distinguish between freckles and true blemishes.
Unless I'm missing something from this article, I don't understand how a video showing a possibly drunk (although not too drunk) woman performing oral sex on a possible drunk man—with no implication that she is under any more duress to participate than he is—constitutes proof of a "rape" as so many of these comments…
What about murder? Is the morality of murder subjective?
You seem to have completely missed the part where she talks about how there are appropriate venues for wearing this clothing. It's like you didn't even read the 3 paragraphs worth of text before deciding to speak.
Yeah, the idea of babies feeling pain as you dismember them alive is SUUUUPER morbid. Why can't conservatives focus on the positive side of abortion, like the fact that women can get back to blogging without having to worry about the human they brought into existence???!
He never said it was so artistic it couldn't be understood. He took the opposite approach and made it about something base—jealousy. This article couldn't have reported the facts more incorrectly.
Or...if you're a woman, you could shut the fuck up about what men should wear or not wear since you're probably always bitching about men or "society" (which you represent the majority of) doing it to you.
You realize that you—presumably an adult—are glorying in the emotional distress of 5th grade children who have been very clearly steered to their current vision of reality through no fault of their own, which has been violated?
That's because both movies sucked. The book for Gone Girl sucked, as well. Wild was at least a good book, but the adaptation was poor. It was sloppy, slow, and disjointed at times. And try looking at every past year's nominations to see films nominated for best picture that didn't also get best director or best…