Joe S

Hate to say it, but you were anything but explicit. sarcasm is implicit, and you've been focusing on the scientific connection in every other comment, rather than retouching the subject of where your support lies on this issue.

animal behavior is not even remotely an indicator of genetic influence. people wrongly assume that animals cannot depart from their genetic makeup. the truth is that they do it all the time.

I see what happened now. When you wrote, "Or, you know, considered to be not even real in the first place," it reads strongly that you are supporting that idea. I see now that you didn't mean to imply that. I'll take responsibility for my share in the misunderstanding, but I would strongly suggest altering that

bisexuality doesn't offend me at all. i'm the one advocating that it exists, while responding to a comment that strongly implies it does not exist...

also, "doesn't know shit," is really poor grammar. you should work on that.

literally every word i wrote is perfect english. punctuation and capitalization are matters of style. but please, how else would you like to try to marginalize me so you don't have to acknowledge the logic of my statements? do tell!

Anecdotal evidence is a massive part of any research, any logic, any rhetoric. The fact that you can't do a google search, and have no bisexual friends is a reflection on you...not me.…

it's not as though there are only 2 options: choice or genetics. the third option, which is supported by most of the scientific community, is that this preference is developed within the first several years of life based on experiences a child has. the brain is highly elastic during this time, and only begins to

it being found in nature does not make it biological. apes fling their feces, rabbits eat their young when they feel they are threatened, etc. plenty of behavior that doesn't promote the continuation of a species can be found in nature, and has no genetic accounting for it. and let's stop the armchair science. the

youre clearly not interested in truth or facts, which is a great position to argue from if you're an idiot who wants to stay an idiot. I'll take your advice and "fuck off" with my facts and lgbt friends who know better from having read more than you, likely about any subject.

...Accepted by people who actually practice science, I mean. I do no, actually, practice those sciences. My work is in marketing and advertising. So my opinion isn't worth shit. That's why I'm not stating my opinion. I'm invoking public knowledge of science's stance on this issue. There is no scientific explanation

Bisexuality is a preference. The fact that you said it was not real made me assume that YOU didn't think preferences were real, so I was just trying to work within the construct of your own stance to explain how bisexuality is no different than homosexuality in this regard.

None of it is "real" according to accepted psychology, biology, chemistry, or any other science. It's all preference. You only make a laughingstock of yourself if you can't admit that.

A white woman, with hair that might look latino, eating watermelon is somehow racist against blacks? Only black people can eat watermelon?

It's hard to be told that you can't do or be something precisely because a it offends a group of people who don't want you to tell them what they can or cannot do or be. Why is it hard? Because it's illogical, and unnecessary.

It's too bad sales figures don't agree with your initial assertion. You have to be realistic about these things.

It's too bad you need to tell that to the majority of vocal atheists. None of them are helping.

Sorry, what makes this mansplaining? Is he talking about an issue that only or "effectively" only relates to women? I and other men who have been sexually abused would find that concept interesting.

so, just to be clear, women objectifying men is "women acting like men?" Glad this whole issue of stereotyping by gender being a problem doesn't have to be a two-way street! Phew!