
Louie should do an episode where he dates a black woman and has to deal with black guys.

There are loads of fat guys who can't get laid. Life is unfair, fat chicks. Louie can only get attractive women because he's wealthy/famous. What's that say about women?

It's not a water softener.

I wish Richard Sherman was the first gay NFL player.

Making your 7 year old watch draft coverage is child abuse. Also, how about articles explaining how I should talk about MMA, beer commercials, Axe body spray, the Kardashians etc to my kids. I need this advise from fucking Deadspin.

See also, mountain climber.

Some people are proud of the most inconsequential bullshit.

There really shouldn't be such a thing as a 31 year old professional track athlete.

Viral video for Scion?

Is now the time to remark how expensive NBA games are?

Those super high capital gains taxes... Sigh. Don't inheritance taxes start after $2m? Not that billionaires don't have a thousand ways to avoid paying them via "trusts".

I'm offended by the term "white people". Please stop using this racial slur in all Gawker posts. If you continue to use the hate term "white people" you are racist.

I feel good when I see people's trainwreck lives. So sue me. Also, their pet obituaries. And messages to dead parents. Facebook will only die if they try and charge people money. Which Avenger are you Drew?

Mandatory tutoring.

If you assemble a team of pretty girls to entice recruits you are a piece of shit, regardless.

Being more aggressive doesn't make a person inferior. It's often an advantage.

No, murder rates don't increase with poverty in every race. That's the rub.

No white person today has any responsibility for historic discrimination towards blacks, and every black person is responsible for their own lives today. The sooner you and white liberals come to grips with that, the better.

Money plus white people=bad.

There is no human decency in any part of this affair you self righteous baby.