
I read the whole thing. It's an opinion piece/historical essay, not sociology.

There are so many assumption in there it doesn't really answer anything at all.

It's a chicken and egg argument. Do whites move because they're racist or because crime actually does increase?

Lays waste to Deadspin too. Still, why do black people kill each other so much in segregated neighborhoods as compared to other ethnic groups? He says because there's no mobility out, but it's a cultural problem too that isn't on the rest of us.

Skateboard dads are a thing I guess. Ugh.

Congrads baby boomer public school teachers. You've brainwashed two generations of Americans into being liberal vaginas who eat up this weak shit.

And you don't know you're a racist either. See how easy that is?

Then it would look like womens softball..zing!

How do you get a degree and get teacher certified and trained and not know what a terrible idea this is? Mental illness?

Guilt tripping us about the homeless feels so 90's.

Don't run on the field if you're not naked.

My nephews were Cubs fans who idolized Sosa. He really laid a turd on the way out.

That's it? That's some weak ass racism. ESSENTIALLY.

Unless you are the woman or were present at the scene, why have an opinion on something like this? Does it feel righteous?

You mean these actors?

They are movies for teenage boys of all ages.

38? Right on.

Let 18 year olds play in the NFL. The end.

D1 full ride scholarship athletes = slaves is the fucking dumbest thing ever. Just die.