
But do you eat three grapes?

The USS Defiant NX-74205, hands down. A purpose-built heavy warship that is not massive. "Overpowered and overgunned" is the best way of putting it.

Could the next article be evaluating the best speedos?

Oh look a libertarian sociopath appears, and the Daily Heil, a real good source, also its not like we have observed heat increases, over the past the past century or anything. Oh yeah we have. Oh nice "climategate", remember a scientist is dishonest, so all other scientists must lie!

I know you're a huge commenter on Deadspin but that's a really shitty thing to post about someone getting murdered. Was that lame joke really THAT important that you just couldn't refrain from posting it?

Monorail cat shows how sliding on a rail should be done.

"I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend."

You're certainly not the first to inquire.

A few of my favorites:

Mario & Luigi

This is not a looped GIF, it's a live feed of your favorite cell phone assembly factory.

Saying that there is no use for a catch-all word for a sugary, carbonated beverage, is like saying there is no use for the word beer, because you should refer to each beer by its brand name.

Nonsense? How is it nonsense?

Because it's not just fiction, it's SCIENCE fiction. My expectation is that something in the story is somewhat plausible, otherwise it would be a Fantasy novel. I don't want something unbelievable to happen and have the reason be "magic". I want the science, physics, and biology to make some kind of sense.