Anyone else think that in his opening "MYNAMEISBARRYALLENANDIAMTHEFASTESTMANALIVE" Gustin sounds like he's consumed large quantities of cocaine?
Anyone else think that in his opening "MYNAMEISBARRYALLENANDIAMTHEFASTESTMANALIVE" Gustin sounds like he's consumed large quantities of cocaine?
"I'm Cupid, stupid" was literally the only reason to tune in for this episode.
That and the boxing glove arrow (thank you very much)
I think the most notable diss against Hemingway was probably in Silver Linings Playbook, even though it's just a film.
It does have a point though, his books are depressing as shit.
That always freaked me out as a kid. As an eighteen year old, this freaked me out a lot more.
"I'll push so much cotton wool down your throat that it'll come out your arse like the wee tail on the playboy bunny."
Capaldi's pillow talk would be something to behold.
"Want me to come the fuck in or fuck the fuck off?"
C'mon, no love for "Don't cremate me"?
That sent shivers down my spine.
Martha being terrible.
I totally understand all the Laurel hate.
She hasn't been written all that well since the start of the show, and Katie Cassidy, up to season 3, seems to have the acting capacity of a wooden plank.
But I'm genuinely interested in her character arc this season and I don't find myself hating Katie Cassidy as much.
The wrong kid died goddamn it!
Why no one has yet mentioned Twisty's missing lower jaw is beyond my understanding.
What if he hadn't got to that bit yet?
Since the incident with The Glades and The Undertaking, Oliver dropped the name crossing, to focus instead on helping people, not just righting his father's wrongs.
That made me laugh, "Centers for disease control." The plural just makes that even better. It's like he believes he stands for every single CDC and that they would all back up his every word.
I really hoped that Zack, upon arriving at the newsagents, would be ID-ed, and would walk back, disappointed, to the pawn shop, only to find Nora's Vamped up mother waiting for him with her long tongue.
* That ended up sounding a lot more porny than I intended.
C'mon man, too soon.
Me too. I had a whole list of Robin Williams films to watch, and instead just said 'fuck it' and watched Popeye and The Fisher King.
Bacon's still pork though man.
I still think that Eichhorst giving Setrakian a ham sandwich was like the icing on the top of his evil cake. C'mon man, the guy's Jewish..
"Eichhorst visiting his captive human cow in a diaper"
I'm sorry, but the way I read that, it seemed like Eichhorst was the one wearing the diaper, and that leads to all sorts of unpleasant thoughts..