Well, unless you're a cannibal. Then, I think it's safe to say that your food choices don't make you a particularly good human being.
Well, unless you're a cannibal. Then, I think it's safe to say that your food choices don't make you a particularly good human being.
I don't know if it's how you meant it or not, but I find it kinda ignorant when some people equate vegan diet with raw food/paleo diet.
I don't usually listen to rap music, but when I do, it's Kanye West.
I know, and I think it's funny.
Demons do not make the crops fail, silly woman! It's the Old Gods, who must be appeased with an appropriate sacrifice—this year, I understand that, due to the spectacular failure of last year's crop, we'll be getting a lovely, vigin police officer from the mainland for a date with the wicker man.
This is bullshit.
Just chiming in here to say my money's on drugs—maybe heroin?
So, basically, she was caught using performance-enhancing clothes?
The prayer is doing something, insomuch as it's motivating others and giving those who feel helpless a way to feel they are doing something. It's creating a community of like-minded people who would not have done anything on their own.
Agnostic Jezzie here.
I'd always heard that too, but then I started working with the children of low-income, under-educated parents, who sadly tend to choose these names. Freakonomics has a nice little chapter about baby naming and its relationship to socio-economic status—not as a predictor of future status, but as an indicator of where…
Truth is stranger than fiction, m'dear. And, honestly, what reason do I have to lie about it?
I may use that quote someday. #Justfyi
I was going to type this! Where are they taking these people? Now, I actually *am* creeped out.
You and me both!
My mom's an unapologetic racist. I developed a rather round ass for a tiny white girl, and so I like to really annoy the crap out of her by asking if she's *really* sure of my paternity. Oh, the anger on her face is priceless.
Okay, so let's see. The alternative for these companies is to not sell in China until China changes its policy.
I think I love you for this. :)
Better question: why is it that the Daily Show, Colbert Report, etc. never mention this when mentioning the idea that life begins at conception? Is it because the Pythons won't license it? Would they even need to license the clip?
Actually, the book thing is *exactly* what I'm talking about—it was a digitally manipulated image, not real. Hell, just watching Fahrenheit 9/11 will debunk that one.