First of all, thank you for the work you do in HIV prevention.
First of all, thank you for the work you do in HIV prevention.
I am 100% in-favor of criminalizing the knowing transmission of a deadly disease to a partner. And that’s what AIDS is. You are signing someone up for a lifetime of medical expenses, in the very best case. If you are American, you are signing them up for a lifetime of interactions with a predatory medical system that…
“What about the psychological damage caused by the knowledge that mass shootings happen on a weekly basis in the US?”
*squints at you*
“Exactly, the problem with this Socialist way of thinking”
Presumably because the chips are still “new” and the connectors / other hardware will have no wear and tear? That’s a guess on my part. I can’t tell if they are using newly manufactured classic chips or if they found a number of original chips and tested them before using them in new enclosures.
I live in an area of the country where masking during the first phases of the pandemic was measured at 95%+ compliance. Even here, compliance with the no-longer-enforced mask mandate is probably 70% now. No one is willing to lock down again. My county announced it would not enforce a new mask mandate, despite high…
The pardon doesn’t erase the fact that Plessy was convicted. In practical terms, there is no way to erase that fact. Plessy v. Ferguson stands with Dredd Scott as one of the worst SCOTUS decisions of all-time. It’s also one of the most famous SCOTUS decisions ever. So long as there’s some historical record of American…
That’s not easy. My freezer has food in it. It’s generally full and does not have room for already-cooked food. I’m not buying a new / larger freezer to store rotting food for a weekly pickup.
This XKCD seems relevant. Ganked from 21stCenturyPeon:
What period of time are we talking about?
Interesting. I wonder why not.
Because... it’s incredibly difficult to clear a roadway under blizzard conditions that make it unsafe for everyone?
“If any of you cared in the first place you’d do your own research, there is plenty compelling reasoning/information out there on possible use cases but the majority of you are too far up your asses honestly.”
Spoken like someone with neither the knowledge nor the skill to write a comprehensive explanatory post in the…
“As someone who is invested and understands NFTs, and their capabilities waybbeyond what is currently offered, it just saddens me how much kotaku and its writers have dug in against NFTs.”
Lack of victims could be explained by people running / fleeing and by body recovery by others. One report I read on this same topic states there was a pit dug over the skeleton they found, reflecting the fact that people tried to find the skeleton and his dog.
As someone who was extensively active on the WoW Closed Beta forums and wrote a lot of guides to both Warlocks (pre-launch) and Paladins (post-launch), I *wish* the problem had been limited to Tigole.
“Gun lobbies and arms manufacturers have decided school shooting and other shootings are a normal part of life.
Happened multiple times this year:
Turkish Delight is so disappointing. I was v. unhappy.