
From the interwebz: According to Variety, Page will continue to play their role in Netflix’s ‘The Umbrella Academy’. Vanya Hargreeves is a cisgender woman and there are no plans to change the character’s gender.”

But in this case, Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine is solely Russia’s fault. This is a war of choice, plain and simple.

Exactly right!    And this business of the “Freedom Convoy” defends the freedoms of the few and ignores, or worse, spits on the freedom of the many.

Well, there’s another example to be used against the anti-vaxxers.

Paul is absolutely right. It IS insane..... that Trudeau was this patient with these trucknuts....

“I’m speaking to each and every one of you right now, in the uniform. Back off. Stand down. Put your badge on the ground, turn it in, and stand with the people.”

I would start imposing tickets, towing for unpaid fines, arresting whatever impacts them the most pretty much day 1. The police seems ineffective to the 1000th degree here.

Yep, they were slow out of the box, but really were clicking by cancelation. Subsequent reboots have never gotten close to their second season.

I watched their first season and it was really rough but I watched their Rubicon trail episode, which was one of their lasts, and it was actually really good. They just needed a lot of time to figure out their niche. Sadly, they didn’t get that time before it got pigeon holed to late night History Channel and then

I had a related discussion with a coworker yesterday. They said “Oh sure, some bad apples deface the Terry Fox statue and all of a sudden all the truckers are racist/vandals/intoerant/violent, but when *Indians (their word) defaced the John A MacDonald statue, everyone cheered. That’s a double standard.”

Just don’t care for double standards is all.

A very real possibility is that the virus mutates into something that kills more slowly. The rule for successful viruses is not “don’t burn your bridges” i.e. kill the host, it’s “don’t burn your bridges before you’ve crossed them”.

haha OK.  You got some objective, peer-reviewed, scientific data and analysis for us?  Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass?

I have fantastic service and great battery life with my 6 Pro. 🤷🏼‍♂️

How many of these require subscriptions to use properly? I swear, my subscription fatigue is at a max.

Of course people buy small tablets for work. They are excellent for field techs.

Satellite internet that works should be illegal?

This headline gave me a scare, I just paid a decent amount of cash for an android auto compatible stereo in my car and thought I just threw that money away. Bad headline, unless it's just clickbait, in which case, evil headline.

This article is made to cause confusion.  It’s only the function to use AA on your phone screen that’s beeing phased out. And tbh it looks like the people using this feature is in for a treat anyways.