
@adhir: Are you kidding? I'd have sex in a prius just to have sex in a prius! It's owning them that I won't do. Jeezus, guys, it's not the car that matters, it's how dirty it is when you're finished

@GreenN_Gold: Oh sweet christ on a cracker, someone get me a gun!

Gimme one in matte black.

Turn the volume and play "Hard Time Killin' Floor Blues" by Chris Thomas King.

Hell just froze over twice, I actually want to own a Ford.

Wow, you guys are some pessimistic mofo's by and large, eh? Yeah it's a crappy copy but it's also a licensed collector's item, and let's not forget that some of the most sought after classics were outright failures, whether in marketing or engineering or whatever their reason may be.

"vast and empty network of roads"...meaning I can haul ass freely through said roads or is it all sectioned off? There's plenty a' days I'd feel a hell of a lot better if I could tear into the road for a minute and not have to worry about a ticket.

@JoeKhurr: Someone beat me to it :/

Lucky is the collector whose garage that sits in at some point in the future.

So is there a list like this concerning what our (guys') vehicles say about us?

@Velocitré: In between Havana and the lesser half of New York that decides to move down here.

@Turboner: I remember the first time I tried to eat a porno...

My first was a 96 Saturn SC2. Plastic. Freaking. Tank. By the time I junked it, (it still ran fine), it had one headlight facing the sky and one facing the ground, the trunk was held down by a lattice work of duct tape and happy thoughts, the hood was secured by bungee cords, driver's seat would fall back at random…