
lol.  No way that comes out of a petite lady like "Allison".

I'm thinking spike skimped on the actors salaries and that accounts for some dismal "performances"

I was thinking the same thing.  Seems like way back when, spike was quick to stop supporting JSII when it looked like the ratings were dropping

I'm going to guess that the big reveal is that Chase looks out the window to find Peanut standing around smoking a cigarette talking to the producers.

If Chase caught on, write it out that Karlee and Stan are pulling a scam to win the 100k.   I don't watch reality TV, has anyone tried to scam a show, cheat to win?

lol, Never watch the "Real" reality shows, so never realized that was parody.  I just thought it was a weak point of the JSS

Wow, second that you guys write this up every week.