
Mercury in retrograde. Makes all things communication wibbley.

Sophmore year of high school at a performing arts high school. Gym class was Theater Dance with a get back in shape section of step aerobics.

They came through my place of work last summer. They really were that nice. She entertained my conversation about her younger child. He complimented my coworker as she was on a ladder redoing signs by hand. Two weeks later Guardians came out and my boss realized who he was.

Like vodka, some things never go out of style.

Most of my posting is done from my phone so realizing the mechanic for it made me happy. Saved gifs in my camera roll don't translate over.

I do say sexy things to myself while dancing. This cat is still on my spirit guide list.

This is my furst successful gif. A new era of commenting is born for me.

Really just how I feel here.

He is cute enough.

I remember describing it as "if the lifetime channel were a drink". My boss was not amused.

That little voice in your head will never steer you wrong. Possibly to physical altercations, but they will be so very worth it.

Starbucks had the Chocofino/ Chantico, a semi melty "drinking" chocolate. It was rather thick and warm. It oozed all right.

When they said that, I immediately began calling myself the Prada of people.

The women who helped raise a socially awkward young teen gay are getting a movie? 2015 just became perfect.

I am not hamster/guinea pig enough to ever understand Mark. Though thanks to your love of Hiddleston I get to gaze lovingly at him.

He is my dream man. He can come to Nola anytime.

Turns out he also bangs dudes. Hurray for we!

Ursula was everything I longed to be as a child. Middle school brought about Absolutely Fabulous and Daria. Suddenly I realized that there was this bigger world I had a chance to live in.

Nacho Cheese only here, for some reason my love of Cool Ranch only goes so far.

I agree. Netflix could spank me a bit more. I wouldn't be mad about it.