
Ah. Okay. Stop it. Wahahaha.

My first consciously documented panic attack. Woke up in the middle of the night wondering if I can be a good dad.

You just got a good loot, adrenalines high, feeling super and this woman’s sob killed your mood. Every time I hear her I get sad too. One time I cried with her.

/clap if he was.

Instead of removing her altogether why not make a quest for her so she can be happy?

The guys who were supposed to be doing it for the other company

Whoever did their character designs needs to be put to the sword.

U need a star

My wife would hate it but I would probably love it. Like the Hannibal things.

There’s probably a back story here. Who was the woman modeled after? Revenge? Why only 1 female NPC?

Kimbo was a let down. Sooooo hyped then the hype crashed and burned.

Can someone do an experiment by having a multiple personality disorder play by him/herself.

Huh, didn’t knew that. Alright. Thanks for the information.

I’m still pissed at what they’ve done to aiden.

“NES” doesn’t sound like a vowel nor is the starter a vowel. Is it because that I pronounce NES with emphasis on N?

I’m confused. Is “an” supposed to be used before N or is it “aieou” and silent “H”

Top pics looks sexy.

And a star for your nerdery, my good sir.

Wait for dollar flu to hit.