
“Mercifully, Aptenoperissus burmanicus went extinct a long time ago”


(1) Any person who wilfully ingests the flesh or blood of a human being is guilty of cannibalism.
(2) It shall be an affirmative defense to a violation of the provisions of this section that the action was taken under extreme life-threatening conditions as the only apparent means of survival.

Is that Gillian Anderson?

Will I see it? Probably.

Can’t wait for it. I have Jessica Jones, Luke cage, and dd2 to binge on.

He’s not okay. Trust me.

Wow, he really let himself go since mcr and his last solo.

As a vampire.

So we should stay away from internet for 8 days to avoid spoilers.

IMHO this family is waiting to be mansoned.

Like George Carlin once said.

“Yes this tech would skewer your retirement plan. You’d have to approach your career more like this. Work 20 years, take 5 years off, maybe try another career. Repeat.”

Don’t like it don’t buy it. Don’t even fart in it general direction.

Wonder why my local cinema says October 27th?

Cat? Wheres my dog at?

Pascal Duvier checks under his bed every night for Nicolas Cage.

Yeah, ice king and Jurassic bark. Ahem...I need a strong dose of rum and does someone know how to stop those onion ninjas from cutting their onions next to me.

I love Korra but Aang is still my favorite. Now let’s get Earth avataravatar and finish it with Fire avatar.

Did not know there was 2 movie about it. Did it tied up the whole series? Can I watch it and the movie without being angry that it was canceled and no closure was given?