
Bought all the hitman games and finished only the two previous games. This game I’m skipping because of the whole episodic thing with it being served piecemeal. If they were to come out with the whole pack I would buy it in a heart beat.

Highly likely that bullying was the cause. She did moved just 6 months prior.

So all hipster on earth will die a horrible death?

Don’t rob a blind man or he will rob you.

Sort of like when Apple went into phone business. Just because they are focused on phone atm does not mean they’re abandoning their core audience. Just give Gabe and steam some time.

Praise be Freeman.

Can you condemn Galactus (godly being) to hell? He is a religion onto himself.

Will he drive a Harley?

Somebody’s cooking again. Darn it.

I currently clock btwn 250-300 hours in the division. Hate it but I still play it for the camaraderies.

Welcome back Chris.

Looks like yvone to me.

U need more stars.

I just realized that apple have an event on the seventh too.

Season 46 of Pokémon OMGWTFBBQ it will be revealed that Ash himself is a pokemon.”mnightwhatatwist.gif"

That send a raven thingy was funny.

Good to know that having a few beer box would be an effective deterrent on would be burglars.