
I’m not really interested in overwatch but I think I’m in love with Mei, D.Va and Zarya.

The first 4 was my Lara. Yes they were blocky and pointy.

I have a large bucket of buttery popcorn to share. Let the fight commence.

End it with s5 and with batman appearing.

1. Change name.

Hahaha. I forgot to put in love but I was to lazy to fix it. Have a nice night.

Which is why I’m in favor of the dark side. Palpatine has a point.

My wallet is ready.

In terms of MBP, I think they value stability over performance. Probably going bonkers in their software department but that’s just my speculation.

If he has donkey kong I have a space or two.


Probably because she used to play tennis

Cold day in hell.

If and when death do take him, I would be a sad SOB. He was my first captain, his voice on par with Morgan Freeman, David Attenborough and that AA guy.

Fucking time masters. Fuck them.

“Linux: I’ll get it to run on popcorn and soda. Watch this.”

Lolz. My services are actually quite cheap. 1 set of KFC does the trick. They could go to a repair shop but they trust me more.

There’s a reason its called no man’s sky (planet).

Nothing wrong if you can profit from doing honest work.