
agreed. If it can be done (without 3rd party apps) its not cheating. Exploiting =/= cheating.

also, his niece got deaded because of his mistake. So he is ultimately responsible.

never underestimate the motivational power of a dead relative.

10 air rifle salute.

hm. Okay, i agree with you.

built a pc with crysis in mind. Glorious come at me bro. Bought watchdog, see pc cry in shame trying to run it. Built another pc. Glorious come at me bro. I see myself repeating this pattern.

dude just ask kotaku. Send an e-mail or what not with budget and they'll probably sort it out.

Beyonce's a magnet. Imagine her not selling her album but instead putting her music on a timed-exclusive deal with tidal. It would probably wreck spotify. Add bieber and swift and jay z may just laugh his way to the bank.

i like it. It is good and i havent finish it because i'm afraid to finish it.

ohhh. Yeas please.

its full of Bieber, Swift and Nickleback dance version.

the KISS must be Knights in Starcream Service

i love fnf. Sure the story takes a back seat compared to the car porn but i still love it. Its a movie about family, friendship and what you are willing to do for your friend and family wrap in a sinful of beautiful cars. Whats not to love? Real world physics? Bah humbug. The movie sums up what i think of my best

I agree. Siri on iPhone was actually a test run to configure its speech recognition and the next step for AppleTV. We may never know what Steve meant when he said he cracked the TV.

you're missing my argument. He said that he doesnt want to make a game because its hard to make a hit game. We dont need a hit game. We want games that are fun to play.

EXACTLY!!! Why cant they just tell truth instead of being all emo angsty.

coding is not easy. But nevertheless that guy is just scared to make games eventhough he has enough resources. I'm not asking him to build the ark of covenant but just make a good game.

u do know that megatron is just like dread pirate roberts. Its a name used again and again. A title like prime.

i'd buy obsidian, them wh40k thq guys and those lion head guys. Imagine 40k with obsidian touch. It would be so glorious that Emprah senpai would notice me from the 41st century and horus would cry of shame.

bullshit. If i had half the resources that guy has i would be making loads of games. Spy + rpg ala alpha protocol. Shooter + rpg ala sys shock. Rpg + rpg ala rpg. WOD. U name it, i'll probably do it. Just a shame i cant code for shit.