Joe Cool

Fuck Pompei for acting like this is a normal, good thing & fuck Gase for being THAT asshole boss who doesn’t leave his employees alone ever. The fact that he’s a mediocre coach just adds the cherry on the shit sundae.

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Oh sure it looks bad, but that's only because you put exactly what they said into print with the appropriate amount of context around it to get across exactly what they were trying to say!

Eggs Benedict with fresh salmon under the egg.

The kid seems like a real class act (in addition to, of course, one hell of a tennis player) too. Good feels all around.

Man, Venus Williams is the best.

Soon we’ll all be coo-coo for coco gauff

All good points, but Rapinoe also celebrated a goal too much, so who’s really the bad one here?

I’m with Megan. There is no amount of hamberders that could convince me to be in the same room as that racist shitbag.

Imagine Andy Reid strutting around the sidelines looking like this:

But the important thing here is that since Drew is gone, I can state for the record that the official stance of the Funbag is now that mayonnaise is awesome and delicious and one of our finest condiments and makes just about everything better. Mayo forever.

I once got upgraded to first class on a 630 AM flight. I was so excited, free booze! Being that it was my first time in first class and it was the start of my vacation, I had to take advantage, regardless of the time of day.

I was trying to write something of length to describe why this is such a bad-faith argument from the GOP, and why this kid’s viewpoints are deeply troubled.

Anyone who ever—even for an instant—takes the spotlight off Special Big Boy is getting a reprimand.

This dude is further up his own ass than the super-serious high school theater kid who hisses at the parents in the audience if someone sneezes during that year’s production of CATS.

‘“Those polls don’t exist,” Trump told ABC News on Thursday. “I just had a meeting with somebody that’s a pollster and I’m winning everywhere, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.”’

Demographics is a bitch, isn’t it?

It’s almost like when people like Beto run for lower offices they can make change, but when they run for President they throw away all that power.
