Joe Cool

“Kavanaugh’s confirmation, while always a long shot to prevent.”

Even with the servile dermatologists and thrice-divorced yacht ghouls and buttery finance lordlings that crowd his social orbit and pay to belong to Trump’s clubs, there are still some latent traces of dirt under their fingernails—these people have to work to make the money to pay those dues, even if that work

“This” is a weird spelling of Ivanka.

When people didn’t care enough that a couple dozen kindergartners were mowed down in gunfire to do a single god damned thing, that’s when I gave up on America.

There was a time when I mocked the sort of person who’d use payday loan services. I figured any goober who’d read the “Borrow $200, Pay Back $203!” sign and not understand that the implicit caveat in that advertisement was, “Assuming you pay your loan back the same day you took it out,” was probably a mark who was

It’d be nice to see people have the same level of outrage towards Trump and his actions that they were able to muster about the last season of Game of Thrones. 

I understand, uh, some of this but 100% cosign.

Bike riders are easily the worst. Fuck those clowns n their Lance Armstrong cosplay outfits all bombing down the rail trail at a whopping 15 mph like they’re training for the Tour so they can go to the craft brewery later and sit around in their too-tight shorts trading Strava readings while complaining that the IPA

100% this.

by telling the guy arguing “we cannot improve healthcare for all americans, in a way every other first world country already has, because that might negatively impact my vast wealth” to fuck off, op

There’s one really good, foolproof way to ensure that strangers don’t overfeed your cat with inappropriate food.

If James Holzhauer is Jeopardy’s Sandy Koufax then Barry is it’s John Van Benschoten.

Given how Kirsten Gillibrand has been shunned from major party donors and the backlash against her campaign, it doesn’t seem like Pete was wrong. Regardless of your opinions of Franken, we should’ve waited for a complete investigation.

Sounds like the days of Barr not taking them seriously are certainly coming to a middle.

So let’s get this straight.... Cohen and Manafort were taken down by tax fraud, along with countless other people associated with Trump. His business partners he deals with here now say he was committing tax fraud. He was under investigation for tax fraud before he even ran for president. He’s fighting with everything

I just don’t get how people keep supporting this guy, he’s a fountain of criminal activity. I honestly do not understand how people’s integrity can be so tissue paper thin.

A thousand dollars for a stand.

This is just absolutely miserable. We hit as high as 120 when I was overseas in Iraq, and going outside was just like having a hair dryer running full blast in your face. I seriously feel for these people, particularly without any AC available.

“Maybe I’ve gone a bit far, but look at the positive side: This will help him clean his teeth,” Red said in the video. “I think he hasn’t cleaned them since he became poor.”