Joe Cool

But when it reached the part of the speech where Reagan addressed “the enemies of freedom,” the following images were shown: A protester in a beanie with an anti-fascist slogan

The babies should pull themselves up by their bootiestraps and stop expecting handouts. 

Since they seem to be so invested in passing laws mandating a century-long prison sentence for doctors who perform abortions, why not impose a similar sentence on fathers who fail to pay child support? We’d see a turnaround in legislation fairly quickly, I’d wager. 

You think we’re tracking Alex Len in warmups but we’re really tracking gentrification.

Personally, I think it’s extremely good and not horrifically scary that our country is run by a grotesque cabal of sundowning racist grandpas.

Everyone welcome Tony Romo to Deadspin!

Remember when Obama did the same thing only worse?

There was a large part of my life where it was unthinkable that one day I’d be actively cheering for breast cancer to come back and finish the job with one of its survivors........Yet, here we are.

The Bucks are in big trouble.

Half of congress wants to let him do whatever he wants and now people in the judiciary don’t want to make a call against him. Whatever democratic elements our nation has are clearly not as hard and fast as many of us assumed they were.

I remain convinced that the person most upset with the 2016 Presidential Election results was...Donald Trump. He just ran to stoke his own ego. Back then he knew he had no business being President. But once he won, he had to do the job. So he convinced himself that he was the bestest everything ever and hasn’t stopped

If he does get impeached, he’s going to get called to testify (unless McConnell just refuses to hold a trial, which is a definite possibility). He could either plead the fifth and get called a coward, or actually answer questions under oath and fuck that up spectacularly.

Our whole nation seems to be governed by the sunk cost fallacy.

But Bustos still isn’t ready to disavow anti-choice Democrats. She said in her statement that she still believes in “our big tent Democratic caucus” and warned progressives that “every dollar spent trying to defeat one of our Democratic incumbents is a dollar that we cannot spend defeating Republicans.”

After my father’s parents passed, he took both their ashes (both had requested to be cremated) and poured them in the Atlantic, so that his mother, a native of the US, and his father, a native of the UK could both be home-together.

I’m slowly but surely getting on the “remove instant replay in all sports” bandwagon because it fucking sucks.  No, I don’t want to hear about how you lost your money gambling.  No, I don’t want to hear about “getting it right.”  No, I don’t want you to bring up examples about how it benefited the teams I support. 

“When the rest of the country may feel hopeless, may feel bleak, they should look to Nevada as the shining beacon that we are for women’s rights,” Democratic Sen. Yvanna Cancela said before the vote.

Rita’s Italian Ice is not an active participant in the abortion discussion.

Just wait until the Bucks hide him inside a giant horse, though.

Ah, so you’re saying walls work ...