Joe Cool

I must have missed that day in class where religion should have anything to do with laws

I guess you are different to me.

I have yet to see anyone in this family display any characteristic that I would describe as “smart.”  It makes you wonder if inheriting lots of money is a contributing factor to being stupid.

I would like to remind the U.S. government that the 9/11 terrorists were mostly from Saudi Arabia.

I feel there is a chance abortion could become illegal.

Given that SCOTUS just overruled Nevada v. Hall — sans precedent, sans any Constitutional citation — it looks less like a chance and more like an inevitability. Even given a massive blue wave in 2020, the infrastructure is already set, the guillotine is already in place.

You EXPECT something? Eat a bucket of fucks you shit eating dickhead!

The party also found that they failed to connect with women voters, possibly because there were barely any women involved in the actual campaigns.

This is a good development. It is important to call your reps and tell their offices why and how we expect them to fight Trump’s fascist republican party.

The only glimmer of hope is that Chief Justice Roberts knows this will lead to future court packing and a blot on his reputation from future historians. Any decent decision in the last decade has hinged on the vanity of a fucking Bush pick.

This was totally predictable the second McConnell said he wouldn’t allow Obama to replace Scalia.

Can’t be. Susan Collins told us that Kavanaugh assured her he had no plans to overturn Roe. So it was ok for her to vote to confirm.

Don’t Republicans hate welfare?

It’s only welfare when it goes to people with brown skin. If you’re white enough, it’s “boostrap funds.”

What? You mean the man who put tariffs on both Canada and Mexico, then set up a new trade deal which has now completely fallen apart because he simply just got bored of it and has left tariffs on both countries, has no idea how tariffs work? Even after Congress and every business in the USA has told him to remove the

We all knew it was a bad idea from the start.

“See Timmy, the wall was in your heart all along!”

Everything the Right does is a grift to further their personal wealth. Everything is a grift. 

Iowa farmers have been devastated by the crop tariffs and the flooding; record levels of bankruptcy in Midwestern family farms this year. King’s an unmitigated moral disaster, but he knows his constituents.

About fucking time - there are people in the Panhandle still living in tents and the season starts again at the end of the month.