Joe Cool

I love that he has to keep serving fast food because everyone made fun of him for it once, and he is constitutionally incapable of allowing even the implication he might have been wrong by serving better food now.

Tucker Carlson is that freshman I get every semester who is thoroughly convinced that they do not need to take Rhetorical Composition, because, “I’m a very logical person.”

...he is the same freshman who is astounded every semester when their first draft comes back marked up with fifteen to twenty rhetorical fallacies

Again, actions of people who clearly have nothing to hide.

So, this one’s easy.  Just resign your position.

My god please MIL win this series. And TOR win theirs. I get depressed even thinking about a BOS vs PHI east finals. 

It can be challenging to discharge that duty when the Attorney General of the United States is, indeed, an enemy to the people of the United States.

I, for one, expect the Attorney General of the United States, to protect the interests of the people of the United States. Against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Time to subpoena Mueller.

I’ve had Medicare for all/Universal medical coverage conversations with a handful of conservative friends and I think the thing that is always lost on them is how screwed up our system is.

***** Raphael Cruz was born in Alberta, Canada *****

The same year it has been for decades - 1953.

Hasn’t Wohl’s bullshit way crossed the line from O’Keefe-style editing dishonesty into highly illegal stuff yet? Isn’t this straight up fraud?

We need more of Giannis dunking and less of Giannis getting dunked on, and buddy, we need it now

When”fake news” means anything you don’t like, every truth is a fresh separate”attack”. Oh, the victimhood! 

I’m amazed at how quoting a person’s actual written or spoken words has somehow become “a personal attack.”

Democrats are pulling a Kavanaugh against me." Does he mean Dems are holding him down and trying to get under his bathing suit or that Dems are angrily shouting “I like beer” at him?

You mean the same people that said the shooter from New Zealand was a left-wing socialist even though the shooter directly praised Trump?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck every one of these alt-right pieces of trash.

Trump has preserved a lot more energy than most of those other candidates have over the course of their lives because he doesn’t work out.

Well, Cnemon, we have to start caring about each other again.  You see folks, we have to freedom the dignity.  Friends, I hot dog about this, apple pie the time.  Beer would we be if we can’t freedom?  It’s in the heart, ball.