Joe Cool

The problem is that the current system relies entirely on one thing to uphold it - the willingness of the voters to punish politicians and appointees who do not fulfill their roles and responsibilities. We are now witnessing what happens when one party believes it is no longer bound by any such repercussions, and can

A man that keeps screaming he has nothing to hide and he’s completely innocent sure as hell is fighting with everything and everyone he can to make sure everything stays hidden. That’s not how an innocent person behaves.

Those fucking things are dinosaurs. Full stop. 

 The child catcher skinny blonde white woman with the bleached teeth. 

Still showing Paul George no mercy.

Chris, that was awesome. Fuck.

Wow, Scott Walker made a shitty decision? Color me fucking surprised.

Jesus. I read Kaplan’s victim impact statement. If it’s accurate (and I have no reason to believe it’s not), Justim Gimmelstob is a fucking monster.

The worst penalty that a guy like Kraft can receive is release of that video so if I am the prosecutor and a fan of creative sentencing/vigilante justice, I drop the case today which activates condition (C):

You wish. This is going to be the 2020 version of a Rickroll.

It’s been inspiring though to see Caitlyn Jenner use her money and influence to fight back against these kinds of anti LGBTQ policies every bit as hard as she lobbied to get Trump elected.

Also, remember that when we take away rights, it’s done as a balance against community harm. So yes, we take away someone’s right to free speech when we lock them up (say, we don’t allow them unsupervised access to cell phones and the internet) because it’s balanced against the harm that they could cause otherwise.

What you would not have is Meghan McCain’s argument

There is an argument to be made about suppressing the right to vote for people currently in jails and prisons: we don’t ever accord rights absolutely, and they are subject to reasonable restriction (take note, gun nuts). Even First Amendment rights are frequently subject to time, place and manner restrictions (take

You being there for them already makes a world of difference! <3


Thank you for the work you do. It’s especially important in this time of doom and gloom. 

Is there a German word for “completely terrible and completely predictable in equal measure”? Because that’s a concept I frequently encounter with this administration.

I teach sexual and reproductive health courses to college students, and they bring current events/articles to class. Several have started to express extreme concern...I can only call it “doom and gloom”...about this news and other stories like it coming out of our government. They are assault survivors, children from

Yeah but Sarah Huckabee Sanders had to find another place to stuff her fat face at when that one restaurant refused to serve her.