Joe Cool

Think: Hundreds of millions will die from climate change, and wars for resources and/or from mass-migrations are virtually guaranteed. So between that or livestock and some midwest livelihoods, it’s an easy choice.

If it means they finally see the folly of voting Trump, or they start to see climate change as the threat it is, bankrupt ‘em all to hell I say.

Yeah, but, civility, or somesuch bullshit.

How to investigate lying republicans.

Trump will probably start a “which” hunt to find out who the traitors are.

primary these morons into oblivion

It’s going to be so metal the day he just explodes into fucking flames. Like, I’ve met a lot of liars, especially when I was interning at a middle school and dealt with some unruly kids..but this is beyond the pale of normal lying. It seems he is quite literally incapable of telling the truth.

At family get togethers, we like to recall the stories of when my grandparents emigrated to the country. Post-war famines and mass scale economic depression come and go, BUT THAT CONEY ISLAND FERRIS WHEEL!!?!? DROP EVERYTHING YOU KNOW AND TAKE THAT 15 DAY BOAT RIDE ACROSS AN OCEAN AND LEAVE EVERYTHING BEHIND!!

I take a healthy dose of fiber supplement daily. Cup of coffee and a tall glass of water first thing, and 99% of the time I can have a complete and satisfying purge on my own throne before I leave the house.

Your administration oversaw the internment of children into those cages, irrespective of whomever they were built by—and your DHS, led by your own hand-picked leadership (which you’ve now rotated out at the behest of the middle-aged racist cue ball constantly shadowing your every step) defended that internment until

Students should show up for the class wearing “Believe Sexual Assault Survivors” t-shirts and wait for Brett to melt down screaming “I LIKE BEER!!!” over and over.

His mouth looks like a booty hole.

Bipartisan and skilled shapers of policy working together to redesign the system so it works better.

Nevertheless, she persisted.

Baffling. That insta makes her look like a 35 year old drag queen who has a surgeon on speed dial.

Always inspiring to read a story about a spunky kid who overcomes her hardscrabble background to make her miraculous dreams come true. Truly a #BeBest tale of hope and grit for us all.

Wow, look at these thugs destroying their own communities! How stupid!

The fucking ignorance of any common working person who still votes for these whores is simply mind blowing.

The moment you start noticing how many of your fellow coworkers are not washing their hands after using the restroom, you can’t un-notice it.

After the Garnett trade, this is when the tank was supposed to START. The fact that they’ve managed to rebuild is magical. To make the playoffs this year is sorcery, like they’re a bunch of mages, or like, what’s the word I’m looking for...