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    People from the UK can deliver an insult, this ranks up there with the time Dominic West called Donald Trump a colossus of mendacity 

    Rob Manfred’s ability to engage in double speak is not quite Roger Goodell level but it’s close 

    I think we should probably stop referring to comedians with terms like “deep’ or calling them “great orators”. Dave Chappelle isn’t Martin Luther King, neither was Richard Pryor. Joe Rogan and Bill Burr aren’t deep thinkers. These guys are almost uniformly a-holes and with the exception of Pryor not all that talented 

    Alas Brian Cox isn’t a pregnant woman 

    Manchin definitely belongs in hell but West Virginia is certainly a good substitute 

    So nice of Joe Rogan to take time out of his busy schedule of buying t shirts that are two sizes too small for him and yelling “cancel culture” in the middle of the street to say something stupid

    I think he would be a serious candidate for a lot of these college gigs except he has some serious baggage in his past as it turns out. He’ll get a head job eventually though

    I’m old enough to remember Jack Trudeau as their quarterback and they went 10-1 one year and went to the rose bowl and then they kind of flushed the momentum of the moment by getting blown out by UCLA and the QB stylings of Rick Neiuheisel.....yes I’m middle aged 

    Hasn’t she ever heard of cremation ? 

    Is 10-2 every season good enough at USC or LSU these days though ? To me it should be in this day and age, but the fan bases at this place want that as the floor with a national championship every few years and consistent playoff appearances. Also, lets be honest Orgeron’s “issues” are just an excuse for them to get

    Just keeping her name out there, her and Larry Elder are gonna be on next season’s edition Dancing with the Attention Starved Idiots 

    USC and LSU are terrific jobs with very unrealistic expectations. Their fan bases want to be what Alabama has been for 15 years or what Clemson has been for 5 but it’s just not likely to happen. Tomlin has probably the most stable job in pro sports in that the Steelers have had three head coaches in 50 years. I would

    There’s nothing like getting the endorsement of an unrepentant spousal abuser, I mean if only Kyrie could get OJ Simpson to endorse his position 

    Somebody pissed off fraternity people ? Sounds like a productive day 

    He’s very angry with the Minnesota Vikings 

    You would have to attend a CPAC rally to find two more unlikeable individuals 

    I can’t wait till Kimberly Guilfoyle dumps Junior for someone who has better cocaine or is just taller and the fallout that will inevitably ensue 

    Panic Room was a classic and Adventureland was pretty underrated

    I would think that a few of the great things about living in Australia are, terrific weather, great beaches, kangaroos and never having to know about the existence of Candace Owens. And now we’ve taken one of those things away from them

    Please, your conservative hero’s are easily the most sensitive bunch of man babies that have ever existed. Trump, Rogan, Tucker, Ingraham, Meghan McCain, Megan Kelly. They live in permanent outrage and stupidity