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    Lets be honest here, if the tapes came out and they were as horrendous or even worse then we could imagine, it wouldn’t make one iota of difference with his supporters/cult/current republican party. They are in all the way, it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. These folks are infatuated with this bozo

    I think my cat is determined to see that I only get 5 hours a sleep on a nightly basis. He’s pretending to be hypothyroid and I think his doctor is in on the plot, medications, special foods, pretending to be hungry at 5am......

    I mean Adam Schefter’s credibility should take a serious hit here, can you imagine if Woodward and Bernstein decided to let Richard Nixon or Henry Kissinger proofread their articles about Watergate ? 

    Which hopefully will be soon

    Oh please shut up already about cancel culture, it doesn’t exist 

    That’s the dumbest shit anyone has said on this subject yet. Using your rationale then nothing ever said could be viewed as offensive 

    The great thing about the sport of basketball is there are always more great players around the corner and in the meantime we still have plenty of great players to watch who aren’t attention starved a-holes like Kyrie Irving. So take solace in watching Lebron, Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, Giannis and RJ Barrett, yeah I

    Why on earth do you admire Damon Wayans? He has went out of his way to show you that he is utterly horrible as a human being. He defended Bill Cosby, trashed his victims, his horrible treatment years ago of Doris Roberts on the emmy’s. He’s a dirt bag

    I hear Hornets are attracted to the overwhelming smell of Crown Royal and weed

    If you want to know what your out of touch aunt and uncle have been doing for the past 18 years the answer is they’ve been watching NCIS......and probably Criminal Minds as well

    How hard is it for someone like Jon Gruden to follow the golden rule, get up in the morning and don’t be a bigot and don’t drop your pants in front of anyone, wake up the next day and repeat the process. 

    Ok incel, back to the Rogan podcasts for you

    Chick Fil A of course .....I mean where else would all of these morons go to eat crappy food and talk about Q ? But not on Sunday !

    The more pictures I see of this guy the more he looks like a homeless person 

    Surprisingly, OJ Simpson was a pretty good host as I recall.....you know before he became a murderer 

    I hope he dies soon

    When someone like Kim Kardashian is not as stiff and wooden as one of your regular cast members (Pete Davidson) then that is probably a bad sign

    King Radio has some work to do if he wants to be as pathetic as Alex Jones

    I think he is easily the best Bond and his movies are really the only ones that I can and will re-watch. He brought about as much reality as you can to the series and his backstory and the fact that his character wasn’t always likable made it more interesting. I think the scene in Quantum of Solace where M calls him

    OMG, shut the hell up already.....cancel culture doesn’t exist. Has Mel Gibson, Joe Rogan, Woody Allen or any other horrendous human being been actually cancelled ? Tucker Carlson, 5 nights a week is basically preaching intolerance and fascism and has he been cancelled ? He should be but he hasn’t because it doesn’t