Hey, he wouldn’t have won without the support of black voters so hold him accountable. Trump is thankfully gone and now we have to hold the current occupant accountable moving forward so things get better
Hey, he wouldn’t have won without the support of black voters so hold him accountable. Trump is thankfully gone and now we have to hold the current occupant accountable moving forward so things get better
How the fuck did Dan Campbell even get an interview ? And as Sarah Spain said yesterday, Campbell’s presser was a complete embarrassment, he was giving off some serious 3 and 13 energy.
As far as I’m concerned it’s worth it just to make Trump mount a defense, after what he’s put people through at the very least Trump and the rest of his wretched family should spend the rest of their days fighting off criminal charges.
Joan Summers is the Sam Fels of Jezebel
Karen Parsons yearns for a better day
Little known fact, Rand Paul was voted most likely to have his ribs broken by a neighbor in high school
Kwame Kilpatrick probably had his mistress killed, they never had enough evidence to charge him but most likely it happened
A quick flight to New York city and a few days in Rikers Island while she awaits a bail hearing I think could do wonders for her mental health.
I’m sure he can hock his shitty book on ebay someday, I’m thinking for a title something like “I thought I was gonna be president but just ended up as an extra on the real housewives of Missouri”
A table just freed up at Applebee’s !
LOL, Yes I can see Meghan McCain screaming at her bladder as it drags her into another restroom
Her face is the beginning of a commercial for Metamucil or Gas X.....
I love how people say cancel culture has gotten out of hand .....have these people taken a look at the past 4 years of incompetent racists appealing to racists to elect them to powerful positions ? I’d like to think we would cancel more of these assholes. That said, terrible people like Jon Voight and Mel Gibson still…
The fear in the voice of Eric Trump, I enjoy hearing and seeing it, I hope to see more of it soon. The fact that Donald Trump and his whole fucked up family is terrified of ending up in jail is wonderful. I think the idea of holding that fear over them for awhile is even better then the reality of it happening at some…
Models....also known as escorts
As evidenced by the past 4 years you could say the same thing about being president of the united states.....
Yeah, because all white women are like this women ?
The crazed stretch pants Karen, always a favorite
Lucky for us, Trump didn’t have the foresight to pull this before the election. As usual with him, he reacts instead of being proactive and doing what’s right initially
Kevin Durant looked like Kevin Durant.....Andrew Wiggins is NOT Kevin Durant. Seriously, I don’t know how to grade the Warriors because the Nets are freaking loaded. James Harden could only ruin what they have there. Just based on what I’ve seen so far in limited pre season and one game the Nets have to eastern…