Joatham Mcgainey

They're not going to lighten up as I believe many of the skeptics and nay sayers, probably even the reviewer herself, is still bitter about certain events last season (Lexa and Lincoln deaths) so they're attacking the show as much as they can, even though this was a powerful episode.

The review writer is a stupid person who probably never even saw the show.

What's so dumb about your analysis is

He did work with Indra a little, as opposed to the other grounders

Except It not like a cw show or else, lexa would still be alive, lincoln would still be alive, and Fin. But for three seasons the 100 avoided this. So I don't think they're going to be changing anything anytime soon

No the scene ended with Abby slipping a drug into Clarke's neck and whispering before Clarke falls out "earth Clarke, you need to survive." The scene then switches to Clarke waking up already strapped inside the drop ship.

It was never cliched. The wife was just scarred at first but her eyes were open when her husband took her to the Macon plantation and she saw little James constantly the room with a big fan like a piece of furniture.

That's because Kyle can't get over Bellamy and its coloring every other review he makes

I see now you will continue to make rabbit excuses. Well…Its been interesting

My opinion would be easily lost amid the 100s of comments here. Hence I said the need to email the writer separately. On a email base, a writer can look in more detail at the different criticisms and questions a fan might raise, stuff which can't be done in the commentary section of public articles.

". He's in NO WAY beholden to the show's creators.

1.I never asked for him to be removed just like that. I ask for him to be removed if he Continues to ruin each and every review he has posted so far by deliberately ignoring things even the show creators stated to keep his point of view.

Glad to see you agree.

Stingo the Bandana Origami Pro, I am only saying this because Karl has been talking this way for 4 episodes now and he obviously intends to hold onto and Put out His false narrative for the rest of the season. And really, this site and the show deserves better. He might have been great before, but Kyle has now shown a

No, its not so simple now. Especially when Fowle continues to write this nonsense view. He's the editor so his Public opinion will bare more scrutiny than yours..And when an editor continues to put out a warp picture and ignore things that even Jason Rothenberg had explained himself in different interviews, it falls

You're not the only one my friend

Kyle, I meant.

So right. We need to get in touch with the editor, Karl Fowles, because this guy is going too far now. He can't even write a proper review anymore because he keeps holding onto his "out of touch" opinion of Bellamy!

I agree with everything you say. Its down right wrong that the editor A.V. Club picked to cover this show can only thing one dimensionally. I would really like to have Karl Fowle's email so I could send him a detailed response to all the things he so adamantly do not want to see about Bellamy!

I am frankly disapointed with Karl Fowle. For weeks now, Karl has taken a narrow view of Bellamy supported by what he has seen of him in the later half of season 2. Karl has expressed his confusion as to Bellamy's "sudden"change tonight by hiding the identities of the other two conspirators. Karl doesn't seem to