Somehow, deep down, I always knew that my future body modifications would be dictated by their capacity to kill and/or fuck.
Somehow, deep down, I always knew that my future body modifications would be dictated by their capacity to kill and/or fuck.
The plot of Brian’s Song.
You have my sympathies. I feel the same way about the g’damn science officer not talking to me.
They still haven’t fixed the base employee missions yet. At least for the floating base computer mission problem, there are some work-arounds. I was able to fix mine (exact same problem as yours) by going to the system it’s floating in, going to any planet in that system, and building a new base computer. You may have…
I won’t deny that it was always (and still is) wishful thinking on my part, but even when it was first released in 2010 there was a fair bit of clamor for it to be released on the PC. Especially considering the amount of success that Rockstar had already enjoyed releasing the Grand Theft Auto games on PC.
I remember when people said the same thing about the first Red Dead Redemption...
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say anyone who feels they need to play the “I’m more rich than you” card isn’t a really cool guy.
The scientist quests are completely bugged out right now. I have at least one quest that literally reads “Assist your scientist with building X”, the quest marker points to him, and he simply won’t talk to me.
It’s a proper noun, so... the first one, I think.
Clearly thecosplaydog is playing Boba’s uncle, Dingo Fett.
I can’t wait for them to add in more multiplayer integration. It’s kind of silly that friends you’re playing with can’t hardly use any of your base features like the teleporter or any of the storage. Multi-seat exocraft wouldn’t go amiss either.
Fuck you asshole!
Disregarding bosses, I think these guys killed me the most.
Obligatory SysOps Snark:
Deep ≠ realistic. I didn’t say anything about being realistic and don’t even want to broach the subject of realism in simulations. I mean deep as in there are many layers, many solutions to any given problem.
Counterpoint: A large number of items with varied uses leads to a deeper simulation. This is a good thing. I’m reminded of the original Fallout games.
Meanwhile, Yoshi’s getting super high off that bong.
Oh, Troika Games. For a brief, shining moment you were truly amazing. What could you have become?
Hollow Knight was far and away my Game of the Year last year, and I played it into the ground to get all the achievements. However, now that the DLC has been released for it, I’m reticent to go back to it because of how difficult it was to get there. On the other hand, I know all it’ll take to get up that courage is…
First one that comes to mind is Conker the squirrel. Also, Sparkster was an opossum, which is actually a marsupial.