Joe the Tech

They left out the quintessential Christopher Lambert movie: Fortress.

I loves me some Deadlands/Weird West fiction. How does the supernatural element strike you? Does it play well with the rest of the game?

The realtime map is easily the most useful feature. Being in 3rd person and watching your armor change in realtime is pretty fun too.

It took a lot away, in fact. Because of the voiced protagonist, they didn’t add in the classic “stupid character” option to this Fallout. Would’ve been hilarious to have the grunts be vocalized by the protagonist. I mean, it probably would’ve gotten old pretty quickly, but still.

Any “true” wastelander knows that nothing says goo-pile better than the Winchester P94. Everything else is a cheap knock-off.

I hear pretty soon they’re going to add one for entire Gawker blogs.

Quick, somebody send a postcard to the Kachou. He could do a TamaGe there.

I’m perfect for the job, but nowhere near New York. C’est la vie.

So, you’re saying that in Japan he’s the Coroner? How very apt.

Good point. And I see you fever dream in Van Buuren too.

You think he got that way by eating discriminately?

Go not near the water, son. Fear the shark-breathing dragon.

Aaaaaaand now I’m even more sad that my power is still out from last night’s huge storm in the Pacific North West. Didn’t think that was possible. Though, you can’t always come back and say “there’s a mod for that”, because there will always be a mod for that. This is something that should’ve been in the vanilla

You’re right. Black Isle definitely wasn’t just Avellone, and Obsidian probably would do a fine job with it. However, inXile did an awesome job - in my opinion - with Wasteland 2. Plus, they’ve got Brian Fargo.

Mongo only pawn in game of life.

I just dump that crap on the ground and scrap it through the workshop menu. It even lets you scrap stuff that you normally can’t through the armor/weapon workshops.

Agreed. I understand it’s a balance mechanic, but there are so many better ways to deal with it. Off hand, a heat mechanic could’ve been a better route. Just walking across the wasteland wouldn’t affect you much, but when you start sprinting, or powering a jetpack, or (maybe) firing a gatling laser powered by your

Sadly, with Chris Avellone no longer with Obsidian, I don’t know if they could give it the love it deserves. I’d rather see inXile be given the next opportunity for a spin-off.

Vegetable starch. Make it, love it.

I’m a serious Fallout veteran and, for all my minor quibbles about it, I’m really enjoying Fallout 4. I dislike the conversation system, but mostly because I would like to have more than four options in any given conversation. The conversations also feel like they can end abruptly, and you’re often not given the