Jocala Jocala

I really enjoy the show and Ms.Lange, but I'm ready for it to end. In fact, I think Coven should have been its end. Good article, AVC.


Why do you hate the USA?

What's wrong with Pizza Hut, hippie?

Fucking hipsters. Bet you've never had a bag of Krystals either.

I've got to disagree regarding Human Target, I liked both seasons and enjoyed the girls, especially Janet Montgomery. And JEH agrees with me:

I'm still hung up that most of Batman's adversaries will be a decade older than him; even Catwoman-to-be is what 15-16 to Bruce Wayne's 11? Some of the actors are great, the Penguin is standout as is young Master Wayne (NOT Lil Wayne, show some respect, this the goddam Batman we're talking about!). Bullock is better

RC Cola was a delicious alternative in 1950s Florida. Nectar, only second to a 6oz Coke.

OK, you're right. I feel that Boyd's Venus is nothing but a badly done caricature, and that most of the folks that are raving about it are doing so simply because not to do so wouldn't be "cool".

Anyone else think Boyd Crowder was imitating a community theater Blanche? “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.”

"I realize that I often sound harsh in these reviews. Maybe I am harsh."

I always found Sara's butt-chin much more distracting than her chin. Laurel's fave joke: Horse walks into a bar; Bartender says "Why the long face?"

Jesus, no fishnet stockings? WTF!

LOL, that's a whole lotta fucking! What the hell is a Chiwetel Eijiofor anyway?

Oh please. I think she's a piss-poor actress, but a damn good water buffalo impersonator, ok?

No, I don't believe she can…I do believe she's grew into another 100 or so lbs. Jeez what a water buffalo!

I would have thought you were the fat greasy Bobby type rather than the flabby, greasy scarred-up Chibs type. I guess it takes all kinds. Skankity-Skank-Skank!

Come on, dinner theater's got to be better than this trash.

Nero's a scummy greaser pimp who needs to die a horrible death, as do the rest of the characters on this show.

Tonight, its Bobby's time to die