
@Lachette: I suppose the correct assumption would be that their trying to figure out how to be a troll.

@Jouen: I bought mine for the buy now price of 45€. used...

I just wan't to play ps3 in my laptop screen via HDMI ... is that asking too fucking much ? IS IT ?

@PowerButton: We wlready know the xbox hardware sucks why don't you people ever stop bringing that up ?


@dadeisvenm: i didn't ask what YOU do with it.

And hulu is... ?

@Elratauru: The difference being that you already had chocolate... (you can figure the rest out for yourself)

@Elratauru: The one you don't have xD ?

@John-Hamptonshire: No. You offended my taste in sexual rellations. And I hope to have offended you in the same way =D

@John-Hamptonshire: No. Difference being that I like the game and not the characters in the game themselves.

@John-Hamptonshire: I'm not a pokemon-loving HIPPIE ! I'm a pokemon-game-loving HIPPIE !! notice the diferençe ?

When I'm pooping, I'd rather have real paper in my hands...

@John-Hamptonshire: say that again ! and you are entering a world of pain -.- ...