
I don't get this video :/ AT ALL

I'd love to see the face of many forza fanboys crying right now :)

Only coming in the 23rd of July to europe.

"Thanks Alice for the drumming 3 year-old!" wasn't it supposed to be 13 ?

Is that going to be the european box art as well ?

I just love to have choosen the ds over the psp only for the pokemon games and even be rewarded with games of tremendous quality wich aren't avaiable for the psp. (and yes i bought 2 dses to trade pokemon)

@cjlopez: are we still talking about graphics ? because there are ps2 games with better visuals than those...

@cjlopez: If the developers haven't emloyed the full power of the wii how do you know it is better than the ps2 ? because you like to be a pain in the ass that's why u.u

I bought it for Gran Turismo 5, Kingdom Hearts 3, God of War 3 and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm.

People are still buying new psp's every time a game comes out ?

I don't care ! Only thing I want is GBA games slot back...

@ridgecity: I did. But that's just one game. There are lots of ps2 games than aren't surpased by the wii.

@cjlopez: Wii graphic's level doesn't "supases" those seen in a PS2.

STUNTMAN is by far the hardest game i've ever played. Took me 7 years to beat the game. But now I'm a pro at playing it :P

Nice writing "base don one of them"