
I am sure the baby nurse said ok because she was worried that she would be fired if she didn’t comply.  This is bullshit.

But it is ok to make the baby nurse bring him to a party on a personal day?  NO!  That is bullshit.  And I am sure the woman said ok because she thought that if she didn’t she would be fired.  This makes me so mad.  Kim has access to childcare, I do not feel for HER in this scenario, I feel for the baby nurse who

Other than the mayo, that sounds like a good lunch!

Oh I liked that he wore the jersey.

OMG! Yes I am on a constant quest to find long tops. They also have to be pretty sturdy because flimsy fabric is a real problem.

Oh my god I also have front-butt. Sad because I love tank-tops.

Don't apologize you said nothing wrong. She agreed to do the work for 50k. End of story. Publicity and appearances are written into the contract - she knew what was involved. There is no injustice here.

My dad loves the clicks. He also keeps accidentally turning on do not disturb and cannot figure out why his phone doesn't ring for days! "Somehow they call and leave a message, but I never hear it ring!!"

Yay Cameron Esposito tweet! She's awesome.

All I see is a penis and balls!!

I think she was an amazing person- she paid for private school for all of the childen of the people who worked for her. That's pretty generous.

In fairness, though, those signs are usually purposely deceptive. Some stores (usually low end) are tricksters.

I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Glory is not a great song. The Sound of Music is classic! Although I much prefer Julie Andrew's version.

I think she meant that there is no such thing as an excuse- an excuse can be that it's a day that ends in "y."

Exactly. Boy I had a terrible day today, I need a drink. Today was so much fun, a drink would be great to celebrate. Mondays suck, drinking tonight. Any excuse.

Not to mention, that Cosmo site is low rent. It reminds if those bullshit clickbait sites like: "10 Celebrities That Have Deformities" or "Illinois Drivers Save Money With This One Weird Trick."

Right? He was abused and although it's obviously horrifying that he perpetuated the cycle of violence, I'm confused as to why he doesn't get another chance. Should all abusers just lay down and die? Unless he's still out there abusing people, I think it's time to let him live his life.

The birth control works thusly: once you see Gary's mug, ALL sexual feelings cease.

I'll have that report for you in the morning...