I disagree. Not with the fact that language changes and molds itself over time, but with the idea that it is exciting. I like for language to be set in stone. It's all we have to communicate, we need for it to stay consistent.
I disagree. Not with the fact that language changes and molds itself over time, but with the idea that it is exciting. I like for language to be set in stone. It's all we have to communicate, we need for it to stay consistent.
Right! My friend has a home theater and never pays for movies either, which means I don't either. I just put my head into the sand and enjoy the movies on a nice leather lazy-boy.
It is 100% ableist and it is disgusting.
Oh no lace is so very comfortable! Polyester, icky cheap lace is bad but soft lace is the way to go. It is all I wear. Also, lace looks good, with no panty lines. More expensive than Hanes but worth it.
I actually think I would wear that shirt! Minus that weird pocket.
I was told not to take a stimulant laxative while pregnant. I was told to take Miralax.
I feel like the poster is missing the Seinfeld reference.
Yes! It is awful when excitement turns to disappointment:
I sat through the whole Batman movie WAITING for him to remove the mask so I could look at his mouth. I went to the stupid movie to watch him! I was so disappointed.
I mean I obviously don't know if she sobbed when walking in but I sure did.
Oh Kendra ! Been there. Relationship falls apart, you want to go out and have fun. Great time out, laughing, drinking, talking to hot dudes.
Legitimate or not, I used that method for years without getting pregnant. It worked for me.
I just grab some toilet paper and wipe off the seat. I know that's not clean-clean but I haven't yet died from anything bathroom related.
Yes! They have that in the bathroom of Whole Foods! Of course when my son is with me he reaches for the handle anyway out of reflex.
I think it's great that you are planning for this and really considering privacy and comfort. I think a storage room-turned-bf room is fine.
I saw Cypress Hill in maybe 93 - they were awesome.
*Tried to link a gif. That didn't work.
That's kind of my point- be proud of giving birth! Be proud of the baby. Who gives a shit if you endured more pain than the next person? How on earth does that matter?
Or not projecting at all because I've done it both ways - drugs and no drugs so I can speak to both, thanks.
Yes! I totally agree with you whole post. I have some sanctimonious family members and friends who need to let everyone know about their drug free birth. I say good for you.