
And her eyebrows reallly grew in.

I'm sad to know this but when that song came out, they were a well-acknowledged couple. There is some behind the scenes video - for the making of the official video and that disgusting papa joe was in it- he kept yapping about how hot a couple they are and that their children would one day watch the video.

Is that Cara Delavigne? She sure is the IT model these days.

A lot of Chanel is expensive, but some non-couture isn't terribly expensive. Not cheap, but not out of this world expensive. Chanel makeup is pricey but they sell it at Macey's so not exclusive by any means.

Oh no, that makes me sad. I love Whole Foods. I don't want to have to hate it.

I work for a huge bank. Oh I'll just say it since I'm saying something good- Wells Fargo. They have a great volunteer program. We are allowed several volunteer days a year. I think the number depends on how long you have been with the company. We can ask for more if we go over and I always do. This is encouraged, at

That makes sense. I remember the whole thing about saying it 3 times. I didn't even want to accidentally THINK it three times. That's some scary shit right there.

That Bloody Mary shit messed me up. I am terrified of mirrors in the dark. And I'm 37 years old!
Someone mentioned not looking in the mirror for fear of a ghost behind you (I never even THOUGHT of that, so now I have added terror) but I was always worried about turning INTO a ghost. Like, having my face change into a

This is awesome. I can't stop laughing. Please tell me this happened.

Me neither. I feel clueless. And maybe old?

From the article:

Uugh Melissa McEwan is the absolute worst. Don't go to her site with any difference of opinion, or she will shut. you. down. She will not tolerate anything that threatens her.

The ultimate Ryan Gosling role is Half Nelson. I was in awe of him and his acting after seeing that. Holy shit he was good.

Best way to get a friend to call you back when they won't? Stop calling them. Once you ignore him he will surface.

Michele Hurst please get well! There is a website accepting donations to help offset her medical care. Her OITNB castmates have been promoting it.

So Kylie and her friend are upset the police went after Bieber for doing $20,000 of damage but are not upset fucking Kim filed a police report because someone yelled mean things to her.

I imagine it sucks to live next door to a petulant millionaire that acts like a child with no supervision. These people do not deserve to have their shit ruined just because they have money.

It actually sounds like a good program. There is also a seminar on the beauty myth and how real beauty comes from within.

Yep that's what I was thinking. Fuck Bieber - you know he asked his friend to take the hit and now he could go to jail.

Yeah, not too bright there, Kim.