Joann Prinzivalli

With the exception that banning would be deserved for the conspirators in the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation.

I see no reason why desecrating old graves is something we want to do. There are a zillion ways to protest that work. If these cemeteries need guards, we need better hobbies.

Those are the wrong flags. They should all be white. 

Hell, Trump is probably going to ask the Saudis for advice on how he can implement something similar in the US. 

I’m with you. The Brompton looks perfect. 

“Democrats are getting ... lazy

Snickers is the correct answer

Me too!! We do political advocacy. DV bills, human trafficking bills, childhood nutrition, pay equity, gun control, criminal justice reform... we have gotten a ton of legislation passed that benefit women and children in NYS.

I say By Design, but it does push the hood ratio limits.

65% of food stamp (SNAP) recipients are either children directly (44%) or households with children (21%).

Food stamps is actually not wasteful and helps people unlike say, tax cuts to the 1%ers, but try telling that to the Putin loving, Austrian economics touting and Ayn Rand fapping GOPers.

It takes 2/3s of the Senate to convict after the House impeaches, and if Republicans are willing to confirm Kavanaugh, then I doubt even a single one would ever vote to remove him.

Its true I missed a lot of the “retrospective” slant of the article, but that could be because I’m not nearly so optimistic. I half expect that we will be Republic of Gilead or a smoking crater in fifteen years.

You missed the biggest hypothetical; that Splinter continues to exist.

Interesting story, not Boring at all!

“Um, actually, the worst demographic change to happen to North America happened about 15,000-20,000 years ago.

I don’t have an entry, but I LOVE what someone in the twitter thread called Junior: TraitorTot!

Lion feigns disinterest in wounded jackal.

I don’t think too many people will find themselves in a similar situation, but stating that she survived by drinking from the radiator is insanely irresponsible. Even if it was propylene glycol in there, it’s still toxic.