
I think she assumed that Sierra was going to physically hand someone her Legacy Advantage…

I thought there was a pretty big drop-off after season 5.

I don't think the issue was that they "aged her up". The issue is that they cast her too young to begin with. The entire point of her character is that she uses sexualization to her advantage, and they decided they'd handle that by…. hiring a 13 year old? To me, they were only correcting their mistake.

Obviously we have a rapist in Linkin Park. He's climbin' in your windows…

1/2 Man
1/2 Bear
1/2 Pig

Regarding Alfred and Bruce2: It made me really mad that they didn't even show them in last week's episode! It's like the writers couldn't figure out how to handle that since Alfred would notice it's not Bruce right away, and they just said "Fuck it, let's just pretend that doesn't exist this episode."

"Errybody wanna live at the top of the mountain"
-Kanye West

The Mick is still a Fox program though. I'm sure they're very willing to work around the schedule of their other show that anchors FXX.

No, because straight white wealthy males have life too.

Every time I see my aunt, she sings "What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor". I asked her how often she sings it, and she said EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

While this makes sense from a viewer standpoint, Debbie wasn't there to hear him say it.

I also didn't think he seemed to be joking. Debbie did lead the charge to get out Ozzy, after all.

I think it's more likely that he doesn't use them because he doesn't need to. Then he'll either use one at final 6 and one at final 5, or both at final 5 to protect an ally.

I LOVE Thai Chicken. Just make sure to add the Sriracha.


Hulu is already my primary source for news today.

But that's at least an improvement. We get the crappy opening act after the good show.

You are correct. She just had an extra one. Sara, who my comment was responding to, said "…nobody having used the extra vote or a stolen vote well so far."

Does he really have the numbers though? Troy, Sierra, Brad, and Tai are only 4/10. It'll be interesting to see how the "deck reshuffles" next week.

Rumor has it that Ozzy swam to and from the island every season.