
I have a dishwasher and I don't use it. My reason is because I like all my dishes to be clean all the time. Plus I don't mind hand-washing them. I don't keep a huge set of dishes, so I use the same few items over and over again, especially pots. I only have one good pot for making pasta, and I'll be damned if I ever

They're played by Frankie Muniz. All of them.

Yeah, I wish they'd have cut back on the Fallujah story to put more time into the stripper plot. To me this episode was 3 underdeveloped plots mashed together.

Come on. It's 2017. I think we can all admit we love the Biebs.

Lil Mama

Let's Play Arbitrator!
Who actually deserves the ticket? I'm still a bit conflicted, but I'll have to go with Sweet Dee. She purchased it and hadn't technically completely lost it when Mac picked it up. At that point I think he should have given it back to Dee.
Dennis was another option, but his situation has nothing

Mac's first line of the episode was him mentioning how his glutes hurt from this new exercise bike he'd been using. I did not expect that to amount to anything. Great foreshadowing.

Did… Did I just see Mickey wearing Mac's RIOT shirt?!

I may be in the minority here, but I liked Annabelle better than both of the Conjurings.

THANK YOU! Yes, people say that a lot. And it's not even kind of the definition of insanity.


Thank you so much for pointing this out! Classic.

What the fuck is a po'boy?

"I didn’t realize he brought a laser pointer" was the line of the night for me. Perfectly delivered.

I think they're starting to overdo the whole "gay Mac" storyline. It was funnier in earlier seasons when they'd drop subtle "hints", but we didn't really know for sure. Now it's overkill.

Danson has been fantastic all season, but I'm VERY excited to see what they do with him next season (fingers crossed) because I was bored of his "good" character. This should make for a fun future.

More like bore-aphyll.

A few weeks ago I noticed that my ironing board cover was wrinkled. I laughed at the irony. Then I laughed again because irony has the word iron in it.

Do we have liter-a-cola?

Surprisingly, this seems like a very accurate list. The third nugget is the best, because you can enjoy it fully knowing that you have one remaining. Obviously the first nugget comes next, because it's the initial excitement of the nugget-consuming experience. Fourth is good because you savor it, for one knows not how