

This collab album gon' be fire.

"Hold me close, young Tony Danza."

You're saying that like it's a bad thing.

That definitely clears things up. I hadn't thought of it that way. I guess I just assumed they just had tribal every third day until they're down to a final 3. But I suppose they have a set number of days planned ahead of time. Thank you for this fantastic explanation.

But didn't this all take place in the spring? I thought it ended back in May. So they would know ahead of time if there were any quits or medevacs and could do the double boot pre-merge. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

I'd rather watch the after elimination drama than the immunity challenge.

Season 19 was great, but I think I preferred the season 18 format. They had a few running gags (I am Lorde. YaYaYa), but kept it more episodic. Both were solid seasons.

I kind of wish they had just stuck with their original plan of having Hilary win the election. The season started so strong, and now we don't get to see what they were actually planning. Sure it wouldn't be true to real life, but who cares? I'd rather have their well thought out plot that doesn't reflect real life

I don't think Comedy Central would turn down anything South Park related. It basically carries the network.

The lyrics aren't stupid; they're hilarious!

You do realize that this isn't the only show on tv, right?

Is this you volunteering to give her my number?

I think they should just let McKinnon play Trump. She's easily today's SNLMVP.

Whoa. I never knew people unironically telling others to check their privilege was a real thing. This whole time I thought South Park made it up. I'd never heard it before.

That's the brilliance of the universe they've created. The real main character is South Park . They have enough well-established characters that they can bring anyone to the forefront when it makes sense. Early seasons were centered on the four boys. Then in the middle seasons Randy became a more central character.

That's my biggest burning question. I never thought I'd feel bad for Sheila, considering she's the biggest b*tch in the whole wide world. She's a stupid b*tch if there ever was a b*tch. She's a b*tch to all the boys and girls. On Monday she's a b*tch, on Tuesday she's a b*tch. On Wednesday through Saturday she's a

I have a huge crush on Isla Fisher. But not Amy Adams. Just so you guys know.

Who we already know to be Ken (unless this changes). My gut is telling me Ken is going to win this game.

Yeah, but in their reenactment they claimed he was fairly nice and helped them escape. Then the real one just made weird screeching noises and they never interacted with him again.