
Biggest news for me is the pricing on the XB1X...means that by this time next year we will be discussing the shuttering of the Xbox division.

Remember a few years ago when Microsoft launched the Xbox One at $499 and the Ps4 was a hundred dollars less? Remember what happened? Microsoft apparently doesn’t. And this time they have significantly fewer games to boot! his turd is gonna sink...

Well, I would love to use a “Quake” on Seattle rush hour traffic...I don’t think I am alone in this!

You obviously haven’t played Wipeout :)

There are racing modes with and without weapons, race how you prefer. Personally, I love the weapons...and my trigger finger gets itchy when I drive on the highway now...

This, hands down! Redout is a clone/homage to Wipeout (and other racers), but this is the OG anti-gravity racing franchise, and Wipeout HD/Fury/2048 was the long awaited return to it’s former glory. Now with “Omega Collection” we FINALLY have it on the PS4 and with improved framerates and enhanced graphics.

“fellow idiot” would be more in line...

To be expected when you have a completely incompetent President who pisses off the ENTIRE WORLD in a week...and who is completely corrupt and has handed the reigns of power over to Putin and his ilk! And seriously? GARY FUCKING JOHNSON???? Better I guess, than Trump or Clinton, but still, get a clue, bro.

My experience has been, once I let my friends play on MY VR system, they buy one for themselves.

depends on the priorities of the developer. PLENTY of games run at a full 60fps...hell, the new Wipeout port plays SPLIT SCREEN at 60fps! But when developers prioritize eye candy (lighting effects, particles, shadow detail) over framerate, you get what you get...

Well, that’s one way to look at it, I guess...but shouldnt your friends buy their own gear?

PSVR! Total cost to play under $900!

Yeah, but I can’t seem to find a way to play Horizon or Wipeout on my PC...smh

Funny, because I am REALLY happy with mine. Better Wifi, options for hardwired controllers, and of course, better graphics. Must suck living in your world, where nothing is good enough...

My PSVR runs just fine on my OG PS4...runs a BIT smoother on my Pro, but nothing really game changing.

Well, first MS has to actually SELL a significant number of Scorpios...I don’t think it’s gonna happen with their current “no exclusives” policy. No reason to buy one...better off just investing the $499 in a new graphics card!

The real question this year...does ANYONE actually care? Xbox is no longer in Amazon’s top 100, and is trailing both the Switch and the PS4 by a significant margin. Even in the US, the strongest market for the Xbox brand, they are being outsold 2:1 at this point! If (when) the Scorpio flops, MS will no longer have

Wow, almost all of these look like complete shit! I will give “Gifted” a shot, mainly due to how awesome Legion was...but the rest of it can die in a fire.

Huh, never got pulled over by a mech in the US...

You are going to be disappointed often during the Switch’s lifetime...just sayin’.